iOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130 mg (14 Tablets)

iOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130 mg (14 Tablets)

Chemicals in Wastewater - Why Oxygen is Crucial to treatment

In this record I take a close look at the exact reactions of commonly found commercial chemicals in wastewater, in the presence of oxygen, as well as in its absence, and the part they play in the chemistry of wastewater.

Dissolved Oxygen In Wastewater

Potassium IOdide

If there are chemicals in wastewater like dissolved oxygen (O2) and Potassium Hydroxide (Koh), the Manganous Sulfate present in wastewater can be turned into Manganic Sulfate. During this reaction a brown colored precipitate is formed called the Manganic Hydroxide. This will dissolve in Sulphuric Acid (H2So4) and form Manganic Sulfate.

Chemicals in Wastewater - Why Oxygen is Crucial to treatment

But if there are other chemicals in wastewater like Potassium Iodide (Ki), then this Sulfate can react with it to breakdown and liberate Iodine. In testing laboratories, when analyzing the chemistry of wastewater, this final stock is titrated with Hypo. For this titration starch serves as the indicator.

The above reactions are represented below.

The following chemical reaction occurs in the absence of dissolved oxygen:
MnSo4 +2Koh -> Mn(Oh)2 + K2So4
Manganese Sulphate reacts with Potassium Hydroxide to give Manganese Hydroxide and Potassium Sulfate. This reaction gives a precipitate which is white in color.

The following reaction occurs in the presence of dissolved oxygen
2Mn(Oh)2 + O2 -> 2MnO(Oh)2
Manganese Hydroxide reacts with dissolved Oxygen giving Dihydroxidooxidomanganate. This reaction gives a precipitate which is brown in color.

The other chemical reactions are as follows:
MnO(Oh)2 + 2H2So4 -> Mn(So4)2 + 3H2O
Dihydroxidooxidomanganate plus Sulphuric Acid gives Manganese Sulphate and water

Mn(So4)2 + 2Ki -> MnSo4 + K2So4 + I2
The reaction of Manganese Sulphate with Potassium Iodide gives Manganese Sulphate, Potassium Sulfate and Iodine. The follow is the divorce of Iodine.

And here's the final reaction:
2Na2S2O3 + I2 -> Na2S4O6 + 2NaI
The Sodium Oxide Sulfide formed in wastewater reacts with Iodine to give Sodium Tetrathionate and Sodium Iodide

As we have seen, wastewater that carries commercial effluents contains dissimilar chemicals in varying concentration. Hence it is foremost to know about their reaction both in the presence and absence of oxygen, as it plays a vital part in wastewater treatment.

Chemicals in Wastewater - Why Oxygen is Crucial to treatment

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Shaping the time to come with Permaculture

Nobody can now deny the rising tide of awareness of an urgent need to change, which has been accelerating rapidly over the past 12 months. Most citizen are coming to accept the reality of climate change, and it's connection to addition droughts, water crises and extreme weather events, and to accept that we all have a role to play in the solution process. A new terminology is infiltrating the media and people's consciousness, terms like Foodmiles, Footprint, Peak Oil, vigor Descent, Relocalisation, Water Security...

What the global situation demands, for any form of sustainable hereafter for humans and most other species inhabiting planet earth, is a major shift in lifestyle, reasoning and expectations in the affluent populations of the world.

Potassium IOdide

The recently released Wwf Living Planet record 2007 is a humbling reminder that we cannot afford to continue inspiring resources at current levels. If the earth's 3.6 billion citizen lived like the midpoint American, we'd need more than 5 (five) plant earths to support ourselves. If every person lived like the midpoint Australian we'd wish roughly 4 planets.

Shaping the time to come with Permaculture

Our 'western' lifestyle is for real costing the earth. In the past 50 years more resources have been consumed than in the whole history of the human race-that is, over the preceding 200,000 years. Consumerism, economic rationalism and trade for trade's sake have run riot in a world environment conceding and acquiescing to corporate aspirations and global store manipulations, at the charge of the environment and communal justice, particularly over this past decade since the mid-nineties.

The paradigm shift required to live within our footprint will demand that we radically contract into a conserver society, get over our 'Affluenza' quick smart, and embrace frugality as a moral obligation. If we don't get tough on ourselves, the world will get even tougher on us as the consequences of inaction or insufficient operation take their toll.

Empowerment for Shaping a Sustainable Future
The hereafter is most for real in our hands in a more profound way than ever before in history. The most necessary reasoning to direct our actions today, tomorrow and every day thereafter is to make a commitment to being an effective earth-steward and support others in the changes to an earth-friendly lifestyle-we all need to learn to live within our footprint.

This calls for us to effectively re-invent ourselves, and our connection to the world colse to us; in our daily living, in our work, and the myriad interactions we constantly engage in-within our community and community at large.

While there are many small things we can do immediately straight through behavioural adjustments and becoming more aware consumers, the paradigm shift to become an effective agent of convert demands a degree of knowledge, skills, and practical ecological savvy that has been seriously neglected in our study systems. There is so much to learn, and dinky time to waste.

Permaculture Solutions

This is where permaculture has the most to offer the world at present, in empowering citizen with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, solve problems and produce creative responses in their home, straight through their work, in business, in their community and beyond. The Permaculture (Permanent as in 'sustainable' culture) belief was first expounded by ecologist Bill Mollison and environmental designer David Holmgren in Tasmania, Australia in the mid-seventies.

Permaculture provides 3 decades of global taste at the cutting edge of sustainable living, improvement and design. Drawing on the lessons of history, the best of sustainable original and indigenous wisdoms, it weaves a fresh arrival to eco-literacy, environmental science and communal justice as a practical and realistic produce system for a sustainable future.

At the heart of permaculture's success lies empowerment straight through education. This has largely been straight through the oppressive 2-week or 72+hour program known as the Permaculture produce procedure or Pdc. This procedure covers the A-Z of permaculture produce system and applications for rural and urban environments and lifestyles, and is recognised internationally as the minimum training requirement for permaculture designers and teachers.

It is estimated that over 500,000 citizen have completed the Pdc colse to the world--in all climates and continents--and are effecting profound changes on the local level and straight through national and international organisations. inspiring and empowering, this is a crash procedure in practical eco-literacy and practical strategies to sell out your footprint, produce and produce effective environments, produce systems for survival, and be a catalyst for convert straight through private and community action.

Since 2003 permaculture study in Australia has taken the next step in preparing citizen as shapers and makers of a sustainable hereafter with the introduction of nationally accredited vocational training in sustainable systems produce and community development. The Accredited Permaculture Training(Tm) (Apt) aims to train the new generation of earth-stewards and custodians of the future, the tradespeople and professionals for a post-carbon society.

As a community in transition to a new and uncertain future, we need to pro-actively harness the opportunities this accident presents, to retort in a creative way by embracing convert and taking personal and communal responsibility for the kind of world we bequeath to our children and hereafter generations.

Do Yourself a Favour

The most foremost investment you can make in your personal future, your career, family well-being, to your community, community and the earth that sustains you, is to gain the knowledge, skills and tools to partake intelligently in shaping a hereafter that has a future, and become an effective agent and catalyst for change.

© Robyn Francis 2007 This record can be freely republished with due acknowledgement - please tip off Permaculture study of republishing details

Shaping the time to come with Permaculture

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Three Phases of thriving Hashimoto's treatment

Hashimotos is not a disease. It is a condition.

The advent to treating Hashimotos must pass through three phases to at last optimize thyroid hormone levels with minimal thyroid antibodies. The orthodox advent of using only a thyroid designate is very often primary yet a estimate of other steps are in fact required.

Potassium IOdide

Phase I

Three Phases of thriving Hashimoto's treatment

The 'itis' in Hashimotos Thyroiditis means that this condition is an inflammation of the thyroid cells. This inflammation is due to an increased output of hydrogen peroxide inside thyroid cells, which is caused by the stimulation of a hormone called Tsh or thyroid stimulating hormone. The first goal of the first phase is to sacrifice this inflammation.

The former advent to reducing this inflammation is to lower Tsh. The only way that Tsh will come down is by expanding or optimizing the levels of circulating thyroid hormones. Since most of the time the thyroid hormones of a person with Hashimotos will be low the only way to enhance them is through the use of a thyroid prescription. When these thyroid hormones enter the circulation Tsh will come down which will help to lower the levels of hydrogen peroxide inside thyroid cells.

The other advent to reducing Tsh is through the abstinence of iodine and potassium iodide. In most people these trace elements stimulate the pituitary to secrete Tsh, something we want to avoid.

Beside reducing Tsh to sacrifice thyroid inflammation, antioxidants play a very important role in neutralizing or quenching the 'fire' of inflammation. The former antioxidant which the body makes on its own is glutathione. Adding abundance of selenium, N-Acetyl Cysteine, and sublingual glutathione is very effective, and has been proven by curative study to be a very efficient means for reducing thyroid antibodies.

Phase Ii

A person enters Phase Ii when their thyroid antibodies are close to the upper normal range of their lab results.

At this point iodine and iodide are included, taken in very small amounts and increased very slowly. We do not want to trigger an over output of Tsh. While this time it is important to monitor both Tsh and thyroid antibodies through lab testing.

We also need to collate the condition and action of the thyroid through a unblemished thyroid hormone panel together with Total T4, Free T4 and Free T3. With this information we can know exactly what the person needs to do to optimize their thyroid hormone output and their conversion of the main thyroid hormone, T4, to the activating thyroid hormone T3.

Phase Iii

This phase is plainly a graduation into a maintenance program. While Phase Iii the body is saturated with primary nutrients for the arresting of disease and the maintenance of condition and vitality.

Three Phases of thriving Hashimoto's treatment

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Causes of Thyroid Goiter and Iodine medicine

A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck. It secretes a fluid, the hormone thyroxin, which s made from iodine and tyrosine, an amino acid. The thyroid, through the thyroxin hormone, regulates metabolism or the burning of food, growth and body climatic characteristic and influences thinking and emotional balance; it is also a factor in the function of the reproductive system.

Thyroid disorders are caused by an inadequate intake of iodine, resulting in insufficient thyroxin production, or a disorder elsewhere in the body that requires more thyroxin than the gland can manufacture. Goiter may be caused by a lack of iodine in the diet, inflammation of the thyroid gland due to infection, or under - or overproduction of thyroxin by the thyroid gland.

Potassium IOdide

Symptoms of goiter are a swelling at the base of the neck, hoarseness, turn in the rate of metabolism, and in greatest cases, difficulty in swallowing and breathing. 

Causes of Thyroid Goiter and Iodine medicine

Treatment of goiter varies with the cause. If goiter is due to an iodine deficiency, addition the intake of iodine will forestall additional enlargement of the gland, and in some cases, sacrifice its size.

Vitamin A is critical for the permissible metabolism of iodine; this vitamin is also important for the permissible functioning of the pituitary gland, which secretes a substance that regulates the thyroid.

Tyrosine can not be used without vitamin B6 and C. Vitamin E increases the absorption of iodine. The use of iodized salt has helped to eliminate goiter in many places where iodine does not occur simply in foods.

Kelp is an excellent source of iodine, low in sodium, and is best retained by the body than potassium iodide.

Causes of Thyroid Goiter and Iodine medicine

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Threats to Biodiversity

The biodiversity of our planet is encompasses millions of animal and plant species. In fact, it will not be wrong to say that biodiversity includes all life forms, along with microorganisms, that live on the planet. However, today, due to human activities and natural elements, the biodiversity is under threat.

Here are the threats to biodiversity that have an adverse follow on the very existence of the different plants and animals:

Potassium IOdide

Loss of habitat: This is occurring due to humans. As human people is growing, we need more and more space to adapt this every expanding number. Hence, forests are being cut down to make space. This is important to habitat loss wherein wild animals and plants no longer have a place to live and survive.

Threats to Biodiversity

Over hunting: This is another human action that has endangered many species of animals. Some of them are on the verge of extinction. From time immemorial humans have been hunting animals for food, ornaments and clothes. However, in contemporary time, poaching and indiscriminate hunting of animals has brought many animal species to near extinction.

Invasive species: At times species of plants and animals that are not native to a place have invaded the region resulting in extinction of the endemic species. When a new species of plant or animal is introduced into a region, it will compete with the native species for food. As the native species do not have the required defense or adaptation against the new species, they succumb. Many of the invasive species have been introduced by humans, like introducing the Nile perch into Lake Victoria which cause the extinction of the Cichlids living in the lake.

Pollution: This is another man-made threat to the biodiversity on the planet. Due to pollution of air, water and soil, any species of plants and animals are facing threat of extinction. This is especially true for species that live within a small geographical area. For example, the Chinese river dolphin became extinct due to pollution of its geographical area, the Yangtze River, after it got polluted due to industrialization.

Threats to Biodiversity

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Help Save the Earth straight through Solar Power

The threat of global warming has become apparent. We see it on the news, we read about it in newspapers and it is all the time featured on websites. We also feel and palpate the effects of global warming. In some countries, winters have become either longer or shorter. Blizzards and hurricanes are becoming more frequent and more violent. Flash floods are becoming a base occurrence and other strange weather phenomenon is taking place even as we speak.

This is all man's fault of course. We have abused nature and are now paying the ultimate price. But sad to say, even other creatures have to suffer because of our mistakes. Animals are also feeling nature's wrath as she in turn has began to take what is due her. Polar bears are drowning as sea ice becomes smaller. They are now swimming greater distances to reach the next patch of ice and the length grows everyday. Frogs found in suburban homes in the United States are have mutated to become hermaphrodites as rivers and streams have become dumping grounds of our waste making them polluted.

Potassium IOdide

Yes, global warming is upon us. It is evident in our everyday lives. We use sunscreen to block the sun's harmful rays because our Ozone layer has become thin. We have to suffer through violent storms and crazy weather because our climate is changing. And life as we know it is de facto changing slowly. Yes, we are paying for the price of destroying our natural environment. Yes, we have been neglectful and abusive towards mom Nature by cutting down her trees and polluting her air with our cars. But this does not mean that we simply stop and give up the fight.

Help Save the Earth straight through Solar Power

Because it is our fault that global warming has become a threat to mankind, it is also our duty and accountability to look for ways to curb and slow down the effects of global warming on our planet. One such way is to find an alternative source of fuel that is not only clean but is also renewable.

There are groups of people, individuals and even companies who do explore on alternative fuel sources. Global warming is reversible and they are finding for ways to do this effectively. Everybody has seen solar powered calculators, watches and even cars. There are solar powered homes and actors like Leonardo di Caprio even lives in a condominium building where all units are powered by photovoltaic cells which harness solar power.

Research and studies for solar vigor give all of us hope. These will someday change the way habitancy perceive fuel for their cars, homes and offices. High vigor solar powered systems for governments and countries colse to the world is what our world needs in order to solve the vigor crisis. explore for solar vigor is still somewhat new but steps are being taken for solar vigor to power homes, streets, city blocks and maybe in the hereafter whole cities and countries.

A long time ago, a man named Galileo was threatened by the Catholic Church of excommunication when he proposed that it was the sun and not the earth that was the center of the solar system. Maybe today, Galileo is smiling and saying "I told you so" as companies finding for ways to turn solar vigor to help solve and alleviate not only the vigor crisis but threat of global warming as well.

Help Save the Earth straight through Solar Power

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Formula for Potassium iOdidegoidn

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