iOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130 mg (14 Tablets)

iOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130 mg (14 Tablets)

Iodine and Hair Loss

You know your body needs vitamin C, protein and carbohydrates among other nutrients to survive, but did you know it also needs iodine to stay healthy? Iodine is an important element in holding our body in good working condition. Our thyroid glands need iodine to properly operate the metabolism of cells. A lack of iodine slows down the metabolism of cells often important to hair loss. Very few men struggling with hair loss are aware that the cause may be that they are not getting enough iodine in their diets.

Iodine can work on hair loss because it directly affects your thyroid gland which, in turn, directly affects the condition of your hair follicles. Hair follicles are delicate and very susceptible to being damaged. Salutary hair follicles grow shiny, thick, Salutary hair, while unhealthy follicles lead to just the opposite. The best way to make sure you're getting enough iodine is to put table salt on your food at least once a day. All modern table salt producers add iodine to their salt to help supplement people's intake.

Potassium IOdide

If you are restricted from eating salt or do not enjoy the taste, try supplementing your diet with sea vegetables such as kelp, wakame and dulse or with seafood. These foods will contribute you with more than enough iodine to help forestall hair loss. Other foods that also have iodine, although not as much, comprise eggs, lima beans, potato skins, molasses, garlic and watercress.

Iodine and Hair Loss

If you think low iodine levels may be causing your hair loss, consider checking your thyroid with a basal thermometer by placing it in your underarm for ten minutes as soon as you get out of bed in the morning. The climatic characteristic on the thermometer after ten minutes will help you decide whether or not your thyroid is working properly. A reading between 97.8 and 98.2 degrees C indicates Salutary thyroid function. You should take the determination every day for five to ten days to be sure your readings are correct and consistent. If your midpoint climatic characteristic is below 97.6, you should consult your doctor right away. In this case, you roughly undoubtedly have low thyroid function, which can cause important hair loss.

The United States Recommended Daily reduction for iodine is 80 -150mcg. If you are experiencing hair loss, try holding a food diary to track how much iodine you are engaging daily. If it is less than 150mcg, you may want to consider changing your diet or taking an iodine supplement to ensure that you're getting enough amounts of iodine. If you change your diet to comprise fullness of iodine rich foods such as kelp and seafood, you may be pleasantly surprised when your hair suddenly starts growing faster and thicker!

Iodine and Hair Loss

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Managing Brazilian Blowout Concerns

The new Brazilian Blowout has taken the country by storm. With so many celebrities using it, this new treatment is increasingly in interrogate in salons everywhere. There is quite a controversy surrounding the goods and what it contains, and this article is not intended to judge the contents of the product. But if you are contribution this treatment in your salon and your clients and/or staff perceive hurt while or after the treatment, here are 3 things you can do that will help.

Isolate treatment Location---Doing treatments in a smaller space gives you more operate over air quality. Vaporing organic chemicals that off gas are kept contained so they do not spread to other parts of the salon and cause hurt to clients and other stylists.

Potassium IOdide

It is important that you are able to thoroughly close off this area with a door and walls that go up to the ceiling. If potential preclude the central air from pulling air from this room to keep the smells contained. Doing that may be as uncomplicated as end off vents to ducts that contribute that room.

Managing Brazilian Blowout Concerns

Providing Protective Equipment---Goggles, masks, and even respirators are all good things to have on hand. Regardless of what is or is not in the product, the clients' comfort takes precedence. If clients start to perceive discomfort, being able to offer one or more of these will lessen the anxiety and will probably allow you to unblemished the treatment. Some clients may not perceive hurt at all, but best to have them on hand than not.

Continually Filter Airborne Chemicals---A portable, but heavy duty air cleaner designed to filter chemicals is one of the best ways to keep harmful fumes at minimal levels. Carbon filters are known for their excellent capability to remove gases and odors, and by adding potassium iodide to the carbon filter, it drastically increases the capability of the filter to remove chemicals.

Being able to have operate of when and how much this cleaner works is an invaluable tool not just for this single treatment, but for any that you may give in your salon. A cleaner that allows you to adjust the rate of filtration is necessary so that when you know that when there are more smells, you have the capability to take them out faster.

Portable filtration that you operate will also allow you to run it continually rather than be cut back like many filtration systems are while the evening and weekend hours. Evenings and weekends are commonly peak times for salons, and having an air filtration ideas that can adapt those hours is a must.

There is no down side to holding the air in your salon clean, and taking advantage of these suggestions will greatly growth comfort and health in your salon.

Managing Brazilian Blowout Concerns

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pregnancy health - What You Need to reconsider About Salt

It's phenomenal to hear all the talk about the importance of salt during fertilization with no mention of the fact that not all sources of sodium, or salt, are the same. This is a key consideration for fertilization health.As far as the body is concerned, there's no association between the chemically cleansed sodium chloride table salt you buy at the supermarket, contained in virtually every processed food you buy, and the mineral rich organic sea salt ready over the Internet or your local condition food store. These minerals are needed more than ever for fertilization health.

Standard table salt is very refined, chemically cleansed, and unfriendly to the body. Unrefined sea salt is a simply occurring involved of sodium chloride, which includes major minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and a host of around 80 considerable trace minerals. These are instrumental for fertilization health.

Potassium IOdide

Although the benefits of exciting these trace minerals are too numerous to list here, the nutrients and minerals found in sea salt help your body retain blood cells, a major benefit towards insuring fertilization health.

pregnancy health - What You Need to reconsider About Salt

On your next visit to the market, take a look at the nutritional content on a package of the table salt you typically buy. Now correlate that with the label found on a package of unrefined, unprocessed sea salt. One can destroy your health, while the other heals you. Those trace minerals found in unprocessed sea salt are considerable for life, and for fertilization health.

These considerable minerals are stripped during the processing used to generate the table salt we typically consume in our diets. In fact, potassium iodide has to be added back in to prevent goiter, a thyroid gland problem caused by lack of iodine. The differences are powerful for any mum concerned with fertilization health.

Keep in mind that not all packages labeled "sea salt" are created equal. Look beyond the words "sea salt" on the label for a mineral analysis. Also, look for details assuring it has not been heated nor had chemicals added. Real sea salt is rarely pure white in color. Dissimilar coloring, depending on where the salts are harvested from, bode well and are an indication of the salts mineral content. These trace minerals will serve as good assurance towards fertilization health.

pregnancy health - What You Need to reconsider About Salt

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The point Of Reducing Environmental Toxicity To Promote condition And healing

In comprehension the basic causes of disease and the aging process, research is pointing more and more to the interplay of stress, nutritionally-depleted foods and the impact of environmental toxicity.

The degree to which the private cells that make up the entire body are functioning at their optimum level or are in some degree of dysfunction is a consequence of the degree of nutritional deficiency, toxicity and stress. When properly understood, this perspective gives us a means to safely and effectively get help get habitancy well, cut the risk of serious disease and promote the top level of healthy aging.

Potassium IOdide

Most habitancy recognize that personal dietary habits, stress and environmental toxins can greatly impact their health.

The point Of Reducing Environmental Toxicity To Promote condition And healing

Toxins poison our air, our water, our food and our bodies at an unprecedented level. Agreeing to the Epa, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the U.S., 65,000 of which are potentially dangerous to our health. The Environmental Defense Council reports that more than four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, together with 7 million pounds of known carcinogens. Toxins from our air, water, food and other sources have poisoned our bodies.

A joint study by Mt. Sinai School of treatment and the Environmental Working Group in 2003 reported:
a total of 167 dangerous compounds in the blood and urine of American adults with an midpoint of 91 per man tested.

A study by the Environmental Working Group in 2004 reported:

A total of 287 industrial chemicals in babies' umbilical-cord blood, together with 180 known to cause cancer, 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 that cause birth or developmental defects in animals.

An midpoint of 200 of these chemicals was found in each baby tested.

Pesticide residues, known as xeno-estrogens, wreck havoc on our endocrine glandular system. Automobile exhaust and other air pollutants bring lead and other heavy metal poisons into our bodies. As many as 25 percent of Americans are estimated to suffer from some degree of heavy metal poisoning, particularly from mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic.

Did you know that the incidence of autism has increased from 1 in 2500 in the 1970's to 1 in 166 today?

Did you know that one of every six pregnancies is exposed to mercury levels above Epa's safe level from maternal consumption of contaminated seafood?

Self-help solutions that help to cleanse the body of environmental toxins and cut on-going exposure include:

* Air and water filtration

* Nutritional and dietary supplements to retain cellular urination as well as liver and other detoxification pathways

* The quarterly use of whole food concentrates, especially nautical phytoplankton, which have a natural capacity to bind heavy metal toxins and retain their elimination from the body.

The point Of Reducing Environmental Toxicity To Promote condition And healing

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Iodine and Hair Loss

You know your body needs vitamin C, protein and carbohydrates among other nutrients to survive, but did you know it also needs iodine to stay healthy? Iodine is an vital element in keeping our body in good working condition. Our thyroid glands need iodine to properly operate the metabolism of cells. A lack of iodine slows down the metabolism of cells often prominent to hair loss. Very few men struggling with hair loss are aware that the cause may be that they are not getting adequate iodine in their diets.

Iodine can work on hair loss because it directly affects your thyroid gland which, in turn, directly affects the health of your hair follicles. Hair follicles are delicate and very susceptible to being damaged. Wholesome hair follicles grow shiny, thick, Wholesome hair, while unhealthy follicles lead to just the opposite. The best way to make sure you're getting adequate iodine is to put table salt on your food at least once a day. All contemporary table salt producers add iodine to their salt to help supplement people's intake.

Potassium IOdide

If you are restricted from eating salt or do not enjoy the taste, try supplementing your diet with sea vegetables such as kelp, wakame and dulse or with seafood. These foods will furnish you with more than adequate iodine to help forestall hair loss. Other foods that also have iodine, although not as much, contain eggs, lima beans, potato skins, molasses, garlic and watercress.

Iodine and Hair Loss

If you think low iodine levels may be causing your hair loss, consider checking your thyroid with a basal thermometer by placing it in your underarm for ten minutes as soon as you get out of bed in the morning. The temperature on the thermometer after ten minutes will help you decree whether or not your thyroid is working properly. A reading between 97.8 and 98.2 degrees C indicates Wholesome thyroid function. You should take the measurement every day for five to ten days to be sure your readings are precise and consistent. If your average temperature is below 97.6, you should consult your doctor right away. In this case, you roughly by all means; of course have low thyroid function, which can cause vital hair loss.

The United States Recommended Daily allowance for iodine is 80 -150mcg. If you are experiencing hair loss, try keeping a food diary to track how much iodine you are animated daily. If it is less than 150mcg, you may want to consider changing your diet or taking an iodine supplement to ensure that you're getting adequate amounts of iodine. If you change your diet to contain plenty of iodine rich foods such as kelp and seafood, you may be pleasantly surprised when your hair suddenly starts growing faster and thicker!

Iodine and Hair Loss

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No Threat of Radiation Poisoning From Fallout or One More Cover Up? What Should We Do?

So the media is not giving us a strait story, what exactly is the truth? Officials say don't be concerned on the Us west coast when the cloud hit southern California on Friday the 18th. They tell us not to worry about it though, that it would be diluted by the time it got here. After all, what's a dinky radioactive Isotope of Iodine (Iodine-131) going to hurt falling from the sky? This is typical and cover ups like this have been going on since the 1940's.

Well apparently we don't have to worry right? The president says not to worry. Hmmm? Let's pretend that he is mistaken, and that the media is not fully disclosing the truth of the matter and there is real possible threat to us living on the West Coast, not even counting the irreparable damage going on in the ocean between.

Potassium IOdide

There are several sources that have thought about the path of the Radioactive Cloud, and it has in fact heading west. See the map via one of the links at the end of this article. It is alarming that Gregory Jaczko from the White House states that quote; "The health Risks to U.S. Residents are minimal". So what the heck is that supposed to mean exactly? Signs of cancer and thyroid problems won't show up until next year or the year after?

No Threat of Radiation Poisoning From Fallout or One More Cover Up? What Should We Do?

Give me a break! There has got to be some inside resources in Japan. Why can't any of these habitancy in payment just stand up and give the truth and perhaps add a dinky prophylactic measure instead of waiting until a horror occurs and then we, the people, just have to live with "we're sorry", as we bury a family member ahead of time or deal with a lifetime of unaffordable doctor bills because of a "minor threat".

The fact is the disaster in Japan is out of operate and a well known physicist said and I quote"....and if those cracks grow or of there is an explosion, we're talking a full blown Chernobyl, something beyond Chernobyl.

They have managed to cool down some of the unstable reactors and "spent fuel pools "but it seems as soon as they calm one, someone else cries danger. It in fact is a toxic horror juggling act, and we must pray for those brave souls in the midst of the intense radiation.

So I hope I made my point. The "cloud" and other global contamination is not going to stop until they seal up, cool off, and shut down all their nuclear disasters in Japan and it's harming the U.S. And the rest of the planet.

For us in the path of this truly ominous cloud, what can we do if running away is not an option?

First of all it sounds like a good idea to make sure you are not Iodine deficient. Iodine is rapidly absorbed by the thyroid gland, thus not knowing the difference; radioactive iodine from fallout can be rapidly absorbed by the thyroid if your body is lacking Iodine in the form of potassium iodide causing cancer and death. If you eat lots of sea vegetation such as kelp; Kombu especially; Bladderwrack; and sea food rich in natural Iodine your chances are good that your somewhat protected. Also chlorella, which is an alga, like seaweed, has also been said to have determined affects against damage to thyroid gland as well.

Potassium Iodide tablets are used in an emergency situation and are generally available in and colse to nuclear facilities in case of an accident. These can be purchased at the store or online but supplies should be reserved for those closer to disaster areas and enduring high levels of fallout.

You see, if the good Iodine in your theory is at capacity, you are less likely to discharge the bad stuff. If you take a good ability daily supplement it will have 100% Potassium Iodide in it, and if you have been taking it commonly for quite some time, your body should have plenty.

See the example in the link titled "Label" at the end of this article. But always good safe than sorry at this point. There are radiation monitor stations that can be viewed on the internet at radiation network as well as nuclear facilities colse to the U.S.

As far as your skin is concerned, you can bath in as hot as you can stand composition of two pounds of baking soda and water. Stay in the bath until the water cools while sipping a composition of ¼ tsp natural sea salt; ¼ tsp baking soda in warm water followed by three tabs of calcium lactate; if you think you have been exposed. This procedure should neutralize the contamination. Note- don't rinse off afterwords for four hours and always seek curative assistance.

Todd Psick


Statements in this record are based on ample study and are only as valid as facts that are found. Food products, vitamins, supplements, drugs, and whatever else cannot guarantee to preclude illness, disease, or any other kind of sickness. Eating wholesome and making sure that we get all the considerable nutrients along with fiber and the recommended estimate of drinking water with minerals daily is the very best way to growth our odds of being disease and illness free.

©Copyright 2011 / All ownership Reserved

Radiation cloud map

Iodine Label

No Threat of Radiation Poisoning From Fallout or One More Cover Up? What Should We Do?

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Lower Back Pain And Kidney Pain - How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Caused By A Kidney Infection

It is foremost to remember that kidney pain and back pain can have similar symptoms that have entirely different causes. You can have back pain symptoms that are caused by a kidney infection, while an additional one someone could have the exact same symptoms caused by a back problem.

When lower back pain is caused by a kidney problem.

Potassium IOdide

Your kidneys are placed to the left and right side of your spine directly above your hips. Pain from an infection in your kidneys will usually occur near this same general area, although it can radiate outwards thus complicating diagnosis. Many people spin the symptoms as a general tenderness or ache and not "pain." A strong, stabbing pain may be related to back problems and not the kidneys. The pain or tenderness can be due to an infection or it could be related to some type of injury to the kidneys themselves. For instance, an injury caused by a fall could compress one kidney impacting and damaging it.

Lower Back Pain And Kidney Pain - How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Caused By A Kidney Infection

In expanding to kidney pain caused by urgency or injury there are also symptoms that are related with a kidney infection. Pain caused by an infection is much more coarse than that caused by corporeal trauma. In addition, with infections in the kidney there will often be other symptoms such as a fever, pain while urinating or blood in the urine.

How to tell if you have a kidney infection and what to do about it.

If you have a kidney infection, you will likely have some of the following symptoms: fever, chills, backache and pain. Nausea and tenderness near the infected kidney can also occur. Your doctor will diagnose the health through tests of kidney functioning or by a bacterial test. Why two types of tests? Because there are two coarse types of kidney disorders, each with a different cause. Medicine and pain relief will likely include rest and antibiotics for any bacterial infections. usually the Medicine will last for several weeks, but determined people may have structural issues and require longer-term treatment.

The lowest line is that you want to get the right data about what might be creating your pain symptoms - do not self-diagnose. A kidney infection left untreated for many years can have catastrophic implications for your health. If there is a history of kidney infection in your family, or you have recently been in a fall or car wreck or had some other trauma that could have damaged your kidneys, you should reconsider looking a doctor. The Medicine for low back pain caused by poor posture or over effort is different than the Medicine for low back pain caused by a kidney infection. You want to treat the right condition.

Lower Back Pain And Kidney Pain - How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Caused By A Kidney Infection

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Fucoidan - Is There a Natural Cure for Cancer?

Does the word "Cancer" scare you?

Well it should, however you probably think it will never happen to you. In the Us one in every 2 men and one in every 3 women will be diagnosed with some form of Cancer and the Canadian statistics are very similar. Cancer is not the only disease that we should be concerned about in today's environment, depending on fundamental factors the flu or the base cold could be deadly to some people. Due to poor diets, lack of exercise and daily stress most immune systems are so far out of balance they could not even begin to protect us against the smallest of infections or bacteria.

Potassium IOdide

So have you ever heard of Fucoidan?

Fucoidan - Is There a Natural Cure for Cancer?

Like many the rejoinder to this request is "no". Well let me exertion to give you some requisite facts in this report that may save your life or the life of loved ones.
Fucoidan is like a closely guarded secret, as an antioxidant it has as a matter of fact piqued the interest of many scientists. Fucoidan has been scientifically proven to enhance immunity and cellular health to the point where it helps heal wounds, supports general blood pressure, detoxifies the body against heavy metals, helps prevent the base colds and flu as well as, yes fight Cancer. There I said it. Fight Cancer.

Having dealt with some serious health issues over the past 3 years I have taken it upon myself to fetch comprehensive study in the wellness industry. I was never one who liked putting designate chemicals into my body as the side effects of many drugs are far worse than the customary problem. I am sure that there are many sure health care stories out there however all you hear are the negative with most having tragic and sad endings. I feel it requisite to take ownership of your own health care because no one knows your body better that you do.

Well let's get to the exciting stuff, as humans we are born with an immune principles that protects our body from foreign viruses, bacteria, harmful substances and bad cells. When our body or immune principles is off balance, which can happen because of many different reasons we end up sick and in some cases terminally ill.

Did you know that there is a natural dietary supplement which we can consume that will advance our immune principles and help keep it in balance? It is an active ingredient call Fucoidan and it is found in nearly all brown algae seaweed. It is a base known fact that seaweed or dulse is very good for you however many population do not have the potential to ingest it? I for one can not deal with the taste or texture of the stuff. Fucoidan is most sufficient if ingested in its natural state which is gel form. Some cultures are nearly cancer free and it has been deemed that in part is due to their high intake of brown algae seaweed.

Within the molecular buildings of Fucoidan is the proximity of fucose which is a medical sugar however not to be confused with fructose. Fucose is also found abundantly in human breast milk, that is why most new mothers are encourage to breast feed their babies to give them a good head start in life, boost their immune principles and fight off any virus or disease.

To fetch Fucoidan seaweed is harvested by just cutting off the growing tips of the sea plant which will allow the plant to continue to grow and supply a never ending supply of Fucoidan. Scientific studies have been carried out and continue to be done to grasp a full comprehension of the medical magic of Fucoidan. Don't just take my word for it do your own homework and you will swiftly realize like I, that this is one of the best kept secrets in the wellness industry. Unfortunately most population just don't know about it and because being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry, the advertisement of natural supplements is suppressed. To as a matter of fact understand why and how the natural supplement company is suppressed I suggest you read Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About". It will as a matter of fact open your mind and give you something to think about, I found it to be a astonishing read.

Our immune principles is very complicated and so is the make up of Fucoidan and how it works. My goal with this report is to make you aware of its existence, how it works and why it works I will leave that up to the scientists to explain. Many of the global scientific studies can be found at

The money spent to cure and treat cancer is significant, in the Us alone the estimate for 2005 is around 0 billion. roughly every one has been touched by cancer, some closer than others. Did you realize that in the past 18 years there have been at least 18 studies that have shown that Fucoidan either prevents tumor increase or kills existing cancer cells?

That’s on median one study a year for the past 18 years that has scientifically proven the health benefits of Fucoidan, consistent results, hard to brush off. Yes scientists have established that Fucoidan stimulates the death of sure cancer cells, as well as slows down the increase and spreading of such cells. While the study is still ongoing and there is much to be done the preliminary results known so far are very positive.

Cancer treatments place the whole body in jeopardy in order to kill cancer cells and unfortunately healthy cells are often damaged and the immune principles is placed in total shock in the process. The price for cancer treatment has increased nearly 10 times in the past 20 years. Billions of dollars have been raised and placed into cancer study with no dependable clarification in near site. Now don't get me wrong, I feel that great strides have been made however it still seems to be hit and miss.

Imagine a natural immunity boost ingredient that would have no harmful side effects, would have manifold health benefits, would come from a renewable natural product, would be inexpensive, and would sacrifice the incidence of cancer, base cold, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Fucoidan possess all of these ideal properties.

So why on earth is this not advertised, promoted or better understood? Remember before I said that being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry. sure words are not allowed (especially in writing) when marketing natural immunity supplements, words like "cure, diagnose, treat and prevent" to name a few. The scientific community has provided adequate evidence that Fucoidan can have a dramatic consequent on cancer however it can not be promoted as such. population who are diagnosed with cancer go into high-priced chemo treatments with "no guarantee of success", so why is the principles not willing to suggest a natural alternative that has been scientifically proven. Please tell me it is not about the money.

Ok, so let me tell you what I do know about Fucoidan in politically precise statements that won't get my behind in hot water if I have not done so already.

• Fucoidan supports the general disposal of non-native cells.

• Fucoidan may help stimulate immune response when the body is attacked.

• Fucoidan helps modulate the immune system.

• Fucoidan supports general cellular health.

• Fucoidan supports blood circulation to native body cells.

• Fucoidan may help regenerate healthy skin tissue.

• Fucoidan supports healthy joint mobility at all ages.

My family has been riddled with cancer and none of them are what I can call survivors, heroes yes, but not survivors. Cancer is a disease most population do not want to talk about and I can understand that, so what about the base viral cold, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections I know you can all delineate to me now. Guess what Fucoidan is the ultimate Molecular Immunity Boost. It contains plant bioactive molecules that originate astonishing health benefits. Fucoidan is safe, Fucoidan is researched. Once again don't take my word for it, do your own homework. My goal was just to make you aware of its existence and in plain terms some of its benefits.

For more facts visit []
Wellness is a lifestyle & Fucoidan [] is one of the ocean's most treasures.

Fucoidan - Is There a Natural Cure for Cancer?

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The Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas relationship

The Thyroid-Adrenal-Pancreas Axis

In expanding to gastrointestinal and blood sugar disorders, adrenal gland dysfunction is the most ordinarily seen imbalance in today's society. Adrenal gland imbalances are also one of the major factors that cause thyroid hormone imbalance. Stress from work, relationships, electronics, poor diet choices such as consumption of refined carbohydrates and trans fats, infections, and environmental toxins all conduce to adrenal disorders.

Potassium IOdide

The Adrenal Glands

The Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas relationship

The adrenal glands are about the size of a walnut and lie on top of the kidneys. The outer adrenal cortex comprises eighty percent of the gland and produces many hormones along with cortisol and Dhea from cholesterol. Ninety percent of the cholesterol in the body is made by the liver and only ten percent comes from the diet. Cholesterol converts into the hormone pregnenolone in the adrenal cortex which then converts to cortisol, the stress hormone, or Dhea, the sex hormone source, immune enhancer and anabolic. Cortisol is our "fight or flight" stress hormone. Cortisol slows down digestion, suppresses immune function and raises blood sugar as a survival mechanism when we are under stress. The qoute arises when this becomes continuing and over time, elevated cortisol will tear down your body. Cortisol is secreted on a circadian rhythm with top output in the morning that gently tapers off as the day progresses. Sleep is when our bodies fix and rejuvenate but high cortisol during sleep will prevent this from happening.

Hormones Secreted by the Adrenal Glands

Dhea (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a precursor to estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. Dhea is very important for immune ideas function and anabolic (building up) processes in the body. Dhea levels begin to decline after age thirty-five but cortisol can remain elevated during continuing periods of stress. Low Dhea levels are also found in diseases such as many sclerosis, cancer, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis and of course, thyroid disorders.

Healthy adrenal glands are required for the conversion of inactive T4 into active T3.
When the adrenals have reached a state of fatigue, they are no longer producing enough cortisol or Dhea. This leaves individuals more susceptible to continuing diseases from an inability to compensate for the stresses they encounter on a daily basis. It is very important to treat the adrenal glands before commencing treatment of the thyroid. expanding thyroid hormone output while the adrenals are in fatigue can overwhelm the adrenals and lead to further exhaustion. I have found that once the adrenal glands are wholesome and the other related system/factors related with thyroid imbalance are optimized, there is no need to treat the thyroid directly.

The inner medulla produces adrenalin and noradrenalin also known as norepinephrine and epinephrine. The cortex is under the operate of hormones produced in the brain and the medulla is under the operate of the nervous system.

Healthy adrenal glands are vital for women who are peri- and post-menopausal. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing the majority of sex hormones in a menopausal woman once the ovaries stop functioning. If the adrenal glands are fatigued and not ready for menopause, there will be an embroidery of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, sleep problems, bone loss, mood swings, depression, anxiety, loss of sex drive and vaginal dryness. wholesome adrenals ensure an easy transition into menopause and beyond. A vast majority of the women I see in convention arrival menopause with adrenal fatigue important to severe menopausal symptoms and hormone dysfunction.

Aldosterone is produced by the cortex and causes sodium absorption and potassium excretion. Low salt diets and high water intake put a major stress on the adrenal glands to preserve as much salt as possible as the blood becomes more diluted from the extra water intake. One of the easiest ways to contend wholesome adrenals is to consume a half- teaspoon of unrefined celtic sea salt every morning with a few glasses of water. It's important to consume half of your bodyweight in ounces of water every day but it must be balanced with salt to take off stress from the adrenal glands.

Cortisol is also produced by the cortex which increases blood sugar when it is low or if the body is under stress. Cortisol will cause glucose output in the liver or it will strip muscle tissue of protein to make glucose. Excess cortisol over long periods of time can increase the risk of diabetes due to prolonged blood sugar elevations.

Adrenaline produced by the adrenal medulla will also raise blood sugar if there is stress on the body. Adrenaline will also increase fat circulation so that it can be burned as energy. This is not a good scenario for someone who is sitting at a desk and under major stress. Large amounts of fat and sugar floating in the bloodstream should be utilized to run from a saber-toothed tiger which is our built-in survival mechanism. If there is no activity, the excess sugar will be converted into fat and stored mainly around the mid-section, hips and thighs.

The adrenal cortex communicates with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus reads the number of circulating hormones and tells the pituitary to make hormones that directly tell the cortex to make hormones. This is called the Hpa axis or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

All hormones are secreted on a circadian rhythm over a 24-hour period. Cortisol is especially representative of this rhythm as cortisol output is the top in the early morning and then gently tapers off as the day progresses. Cortisol levels are bottom at night so that the body can fix itself to the best of its ability. You lose two-thirds of your stored sugar while sleeping and cortisol output ensures balanced blood sugar during the night. If the adrenals are fatigued, you may have issue staying asleep as the body will make adrenaline to raise blood sugar due to inadequate cortisol output which is enough to wake you up. If your adrenals are in overdrive with too much cortisol production, then you probably have issue falling asleep. If you are a slow starter in the morning, your adrenals are probably fatigued and can't make enough cortisol to raise blood sugar and get you going in the morning.

The adrenals will go through phases of adaptation to stress beginning with elevated cortisol due to the preliminary stress. In the second stage, the adrenals will begin to use sex hormone precursors to make cortisol and Dhea will drop. The final stage is adrenal exhaustion/fatigue when the adrenals can no longer yield cortisol and Dhea. If you have adrenal gland dysfunction you may have the following symptoms:

Can't fall asleep
Can't stay asleep
Salt or sugar cravings
Slow to start in the morning
Weakened immune system
Need to eat to relieve fatigue
Irritable before meals
Shaky or lightheaded if meals are missed
Blurred vision
Crave caffeine or cigarettes
Feeling full or bloated
Varicose veins

Remember that the hormone aldosterone made in the adrenal cortex regulates blood volume through sodium retention and potassium excretion. If you have the following symptoms you have low aldosterone levels indicating adrenal gland dysfunction:

Craving salt
Fluid retention in the arms and legs
Pupils do not stay constricted when exposed to light
Rough or sandpaper tongue
Excessive excretion - up to 15-20 times/day
Excessive sweating even without activity

Your natural doctor will order a salivary hormone profile to measure cortisol output at four separate times throughout the day. This allows your doctor to study adrenal gland dysfunction during all parts of the day and will dictate the type of treatment you will receive. Symptoms cannot adequately diagnose if the adrenals are in fatigue or if they are hyperfunctioning. This is why testing is so vital to properly compare adrenal gland function. In addition, it gives a baseline to compare to follow-up testing so treatment can be adjusted accordingly.

Blood sugar is intricately related to adrenal gland function and vice versa. Chronically elevated cortisol levels from adrenal stress will cause insulin receptor insensitivity. This basically means that when insulin binds to cell receptors to allow glucose (blood sugar) entry into the cell, the receptors may not sass which leaves sugar floating in the blood stream. Remember that excess sugar will be converted into fat and stored mainly around the abdomen, hips and thighs. This also puts extra stress on the pancreas to make more insulin to deal with the excess blood sugar which increases the risk of diabetes. As discussed earlier, cortisol is very important for blood sugar stability.

Hypoglycemia is a health in which there is inadequate cortisol to raise blood sugar into the normal range. We normally see adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia together. Hypoglycemics organize symptoms of low blood sugar and need to eat something to normalize blood sugar levels. They may feel shaky, irritable, light-headed, fatigued or may crave sugar because their adrenal glands cannot raise blood sugar into the normal range. Once hypoglycemics rejuvenate their adrenal glands, the symptoms will subside. It's important for hypoglycemics to eat oftentimes throughout the day and not skip meals. Each meal should be a composition of protein, carbohydrates and fats as a low-carb meal or too many carbs will further throw off blood sugar levels.

You may ask which comes first - adrenal dysfunction or blood sugar dysfunction? It doesn't matter because when one starts to come to be imbalanced so goes the other. This is also important to understand in treatment because both aspects should be addressed at the same time for optimal results.

So how does all this communicate to optimal thyroid function? In the episode on thyroid hormone physiology, we discussed the enzyme that converts inactive T4 (thyroxine) into active T3 (triiodothyronine). Remember that 93 percent of the hormone produced by the thyroid is inactive T4 until it is activated mainly in the liver by an enzyme. Cortisol directly inhibits this enzyme (5'-deiodinase) which converts inactive T4 into active T3. This in part can lead to low T3 levels. In addition, elevated cortisol will cause thyroid hormone receptor insensitivity meaning that even if T3 levels are adequate, they may not be able to bind normally to receptor sites. Cortisol will also increase the output of reverse T3 which is inactive. Cortisol can also lower the levels of protein that binds to thyroid hormone so it can circulate in a stable structure. Iodine, as you know from a previous chapter, is very vital to thyroid health but high levels of cortisol will increase the excretion of iodide from the kidney. And finally, elevated cortisol will inhibit Tsh (thyroid-stimulating hormone) output by disrupting hypothalamic-pituitary feedback important to suboptimal Tsh output in the range of 1.0-1.5. Has your doctor adequately assessed your adrenals before treatment? It is very irresponsible for any doctor to treat thyroid hormone dysfunction without wholly assessing adrenal gland physiology and of course, blood sugar.

Regarding cortisol's consequent on thyroid hormones, Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid: A basal and Clinical Text, (8th edition), states: "Serum Tsh, Tbg (thyroid-binding protein), T4 and T3 concentrations are slightly decreased, albeit normally within the respective ranges of normal; serum free T4 values are normal."11

As discussed in our episode on the liver, impaired detoxification can lead to abnormal thyroid function. Again, the adrenals come into play because elevated cortisol inhibits permissible liver detoxification. It is sometimes significant to preserve liver detoxification pathways while treating the adrenal glands and thyroid to optimize results and metabolize toxins, excess hormones and thyroid-disrupting chemicals. Signs of impaired liver detoxification consist of nausea, constipation, bloating, lack of response to treatment, acne, acne during menstrual cycle, medication sensitivity, and pale skin upon pressure.

There is also a noteworthy Adrenal-Gut relationship as well. Elevated cortisol levels gently eat away at the immune ideas that lines the gastrointestinal (Gi) tract. Cortisol also increases inflammation in the Gi tract and prevents the cells that line the Gi tract from regenerating which increases the risk of ulcers. This leads to increased infections from parasites, yeast, mold, fungi, viruses, and bacteria which further stresses the adrenal glands creating a vicious cycle. Leaky gut is another consequence of chronically elevated cortisol levels which is a health in which gaps open in the intestinal fence allowing undigested proteins and toxins to enter the bloodstream uninhibited. This puts a major stress on the body's immune ideas and can lead to immune dysfunction, adrenal stress, continuing fatigue and thyroid hormone imbalance.

Adrenals that are functioning at a low level tend to exhibit various symptoms and patterns. Adrenal-fatigued population normally have to run on caffeine and sugar throughout the day to keep going. They are dragging out of bed and say, "I need my coffee before I can do anything." This is a sad state because it indicates an very unhealthy private who requires a legal drug just to function. These individuals crave sweets and crash many times throughout the day, especially in the afternoon, and need a "pick me up" such as another cup of coffee or something sweet. This further drives blood sugar and hormone imbalances important to weight gain, insomnia, fatigue and an underactive thyroid gland. In addition, these population can normally fall asleep without problems but will wake up during the night. This happens because there is inadequate cortisol output to stabilize blood sugar so the adrenals publish adrenaline instead which raises blood sugar but is also too stimulatory resulting in waking up and insomnia.

People with adrenal hyperfunctioning normally cannot fall asleep because there is too much cortisol output which has an excitatory consequent on the nervous system. There are many possible causes of elevated cortisol that lead to too much cortisol output and at last adrenal fatigue. The following cause adrenal stress:

Anemia - red blood cells cannot deliver oxygen to body tissues Blood sugar imbalances Low cholesterol - statin medications such as Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor, etc. Infections Gums Urinary tract Gastrointestinal Mold, yeast or fungus Lyme Disease/Tick-Borne Infections Chronic virus Dehydration - especially in athletes or those who fly oftentimes (it is important to drink half of bodyweight in ounces of water every day) Poor dietary habits (skipping meals, high intake of simple carbohydrates, etc.) Eating foods you are sensitive/allergic to Leaky gut Liver detoxification issues Essential fatty acid deficiencies Not enough sleep Overexercise Emotional stressors (usually severe) Heavy metals Autoimmune adrenals Chronic use of Ssris (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Prozac, etc.) Chronic pain Environmental toxin exposures - damages mitochondria Surgical menopause Chronic tissue injury or inflammation (autoimmune condition)

It takes a great deal of time and attempt to do the permissible detective work to find out why someone is ill. The supplements covered here are meant to complement diet and lifestyle changes. In order for a treatment plan to be successful, it is very important that the following guidelines are adhered to without deviation.

Adrenal stimulants will disrupt your treatment plan and consist of the following:

Inadequate sleep
Eating sugar/simple carbohydrates
Caffeine and decaffeinated beverages
Food allergies
Trans fats (hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils)
Artificial sweeteners
Excess exercise

As long as blood sugar levels are out of balance, it will be very difficult to restore permissible adrenal function. convention the following guidelines to ensure stable blood sugar levels:

Always eat morning meal that includes more protein than carbohydrates Eat every two to three hours Snack on protein and fat such as nuts, eggs and seeds Do not drink juice - this includes All juices which are nothing more than plant sugar Consume protein at every meal

Blood sugar imbalances and a health known as insulin resistance are major factors in optimizing thyroid and adrenal health. Insulin resistance basically means that insulin receptors are no longer able to sass to insulin. Insulin binds to receptors and allows blood sugar to enter cells. With insulin resistance, insulin's effects are negated leaving excess blood sugar. The following symptoms can indicate insulin resistance:

Sugar cravings
Abdominal obesity
High blood pressure
Inability to lose weight
Always feeling hungry
Fatigue after meals
Aches and pains all over
High cholesterol, glucose, and triglycerides
Low Hdl ("good" cholesterol)

Remember that impaired liver detoxification can significantly work on optimal thyroid hormone function. Elevated insulin levels will cut glutathione levels inhibiting the liver's quality to detoxify. This will work on the conversion of inactive T4 into active T3, increase thyroid-disrupting chemicals and may lead to excess estrogen levels which inhibit thyroid hormone function.

Thyroid hormone's main function is to regulate metabolism through the burning of sugar, fat and protein. Insulin resistance prevents enough sugar vehicle into the cell decreasing the available fuel for vigor production. This puts an increased strain on the thyroid to make more hormone and can at last lead to hypothyroidism.

We have already discussed the significance of adrenal gland function and its relationship to optimal thyroid health. The following supplements will help to accurate adrenal gland dysfunction. It's very important to have the adrenal hormones cortisol and Dhea tested to ensure accurate treatment. Adaptogens are compounds that help to normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. They will help adrenals that are in a state of fatigue, high stress or a composition of both. The feedback loop of the Hpa axis is key in balancing adrenal hormones, and adaptogens are vital in healing this process.

Supplements That Help accurate Adrenal Gland Dysfunction

Magnolia & Phellodendron
Magnolia is a tree native to the rain forests of China. Its bark has been used for a variety of restorative purposes along with the regulation of stress and anxiety. Phellodendron grows in northeastern China and Japan. Together, these extracts restore cortisol and Dhea output in the adrenal gland. They bind to stress hormone receptors promoting leisure and feelings of well-being.

Perilla oil & Mcts
These significant oils have natural stress-reducing effects. Perilla oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which stimulate fix and are anti-inflammatory. Mcts cut cell acids and help to yield vigor in the cell's mitochondria. Mcts are easy to assimilate and metabolize which is very important for those with delicate stomachs and impaired absorption.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that is similar to panax ginseng. It has the quality to normalize adrenal stress syndromes. Stress responses can have many adverse affects on health and this herb will cut these effects.

Eleutherococcus senticosus is an adaptogen that supports the Hpa axis under times of stress as well as improve athletic performance. Eleutherococcus will improve bodily work capacity as well as brain function when under stress.

Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng is also known as Korean ginseng and is an adaptogen. Panax ginseng optimizes the functioning of the Hpa axis. It has been shown to improve bodily performance, endurance and vigor production. Panax ginseng will shift metabolism into a fat-burning state as opposed to a sugar-burning state due to an increase in oxygen availability for muscles.

Rhodiola is beloved in original Eastern European and Asian healing systems. Rhodiola is an adaptogen that has been shown to improve immune function and brain function. It also has antidepressant properties, protects the heart and protects against cancer. Rhodiola will prevent adrenaline roller coasters due to high stress.

Holy Basil
Holy basil is an adaptogen that reduces cortisol output from stress, supports blood sugar, has antihistamine properties, optimizes the functioning of the Hpa axis, improves the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier, improves immune function, and enhances athletic performance.

Pantethine is required for adrenal hormone production. However, it will not over-stimulate cortisol output under times of stress but has the opposite effect.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabara)
Licorice contains compounds that increase the half-life of cortisol which removes stress on the adrenal glands to yield more cortisol. It also has been shown to boost the immune system, cut inflammation and also reduce/minimize allergic responses. Licorice is antibacterial and antiviral. Due to estrogen's negative consequent on thyroid function, licorice is of great advantage because it helps normalize estrogen metabolism.

Pregnenolone is the "mother of all hormones" and is made from cholesterol in the adrenal gland. Pregnenolone converts into cortisol, Dhea, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Pregnenolone is a noteworthy antioxidant and has been shown to boost mood, improve memory and optimize brain function.

Dhea is made by the adrenal glands and will convert into estrogen and testosterone. In men, it will mainly convert into estrogen and in women, Dhea will mainly convert into testosterone. Dhea has its own effects along with resensitizing insulin receptors, boosting the immune system, preventing bone loss, improving memory and lowering cholesterol. When under stress, the body will make cortisol at the charge of Dhea.

Phosphatidylserine's many advantage is its quality to lower cortisol levels by optimizing the brain's relationship with the adrenal glands. After only ten days of high doses of Ps, investigate has shown that inordinate cortisol levels can be decreased in wholesome men. Ps has also been shown to improve brain function and memory, decrease anxiety and depression, improve mood, and improve metabolism. It is also an antioxidant. It is very difficult for the body to make Ps as it requires many nutrients for production. Supplementation is vital for optimizing adrenal function so cortisol cannot have its negative effects on the body and the thyroid.

Supplements that equilibrium Blood Sugar

Blood sugar imbalances will greatly work on the quality of your thyroid to function optimally. The following supplements are vital in balancing blood sugar.

Huckleberry/Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
The extract from the leaves of this plant has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and has been used traditionally to treat diabetes.

Galega Officinalis (French lilac)
This plant has been utilized since the Middle Ages in the treatment of diabetes. French lilac lowers blood sugar by decreasing insulin resistance. Prescribe medications for blood sugar operate such as Metformin are derived from the active ingredients in French lilac.

Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema sylvestre has been shown to regenerate the beta cells in the pancreas that yield insulin. This herb will improve the effects of insulin, cut fasting blood sugar, decrease the need for insulin and help with insulin resistance. It will not cause a state of hypoglycemia, however.

Chromium stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. It will also ensure optimal delivery of blood sugar into your cells. Deficiencies in this nutrient can lead to insulin resistance, high cholesterol and abnormalities in sugar's quality to bind to red blood cells.

Zinc's role in blood sugar supervision includes optimizing insulin metabolism, protecting insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas and improving insulin sensitivity which ensures optimal uptake of sugar into your cells.

Vanadium is very important for insulin resistance by improving vehicle of sugar into your cells due to its insulin-like effects on cell receptors.

Alpha lipoic acid (Ala)
Ala is another important nutrient for insulin resistance and is also a strong antioxidant. Ala increases vigor output by your cells, optimizes sugar metabolism and lowers lactic acid levels.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E should not be taken in its alpha tocopherol form. Mixed tocopherols along with gamma and delta tocopherol are the favorite form of delivery. Vitamin E improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood fats, is a noteworthy antioxidant and lowers the so-called "bad" Ldl cholesterol.

Biotin is important in supporting the liver's utilization of sugar. This nutrient will improve insulin's effects as well as lower blood sugar levels after meals.

Entire books have been written on the king of minerals. Magnesium is involved in practically 350 reactions in the body and deficiencies in our community are rampant. Magnesium scantness will lead to insulin resistance and abnormal sugar metabolism. Magnesium appears to improve insulin secretion by the pancreas.

L-carnitine is a di-peptide composition that shuttles fatty acids in the cell to be burned as energy. Carnitine has similar effects on blood sugar by supporting sugar vehicle into cells.

The Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas relationship

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Hypothyroidism - Vitamins And Minerals - The Natural Aid As A Remedy

There are some nutrients i.e. Vitamins and minerals those are very prominent to thyroid function. Some of the supplements that seem like a good idea for roughly all hypothyroid patients in the world to take. You can go for these vitamins and minerals on the quarterly basis. The advantage of taking these elements is they are not only good for hypothyroidism but even if you have euthyroid, these trace elements will be helpful to restore you power level and boost up your body systems and immunity.

Hypothyroidism is the condition in which, the thyroid gland produces the estimate of its hormone thyroxin that is not enough as per the body's requirement. Since the hormone is directly linked to the body's metabolism, the entire body mechanism gets disturbed when there is malfunctioning of the gland or alteration in the hormone potential and quantity.

Potassium IOdide

Here is the list of vitamins and minerals one should be acquainted with:

Hypothyroidism - Vitamins And Minerals - The Natural Aid As A Remedy

o Selenium: Selenium is used in the synthesis of T3 from T4. If the blood test reveals that your T3 levels are lagged behind your T4 levels, you should try for the supplement that contains the selenium. However, one should take this supplement after consulting the doctor.

o B vitamins: The group of vitamin B is highly helpful to the body's synthesis of T4. A suitable vitamin B complex supplement will ensure that you are getting enough food for your thyroid gland.

o Iodine: iodine scantness is one of the prominent causes hypothyroidism in poor countries. Iodine supplements can be taken by whether iodine pills or by iodine salt. Here, it should be marked that iodine supplement should only be taken if you have iodine scantness hypothyroidism because too much iodine also alters the general thyroid function.

o Zinc: Researches divulge that severe zinc scantness can invite hypothyroidism. Unlike iodine deficiency, it is rare for the citizen who are living in salutary atmosphere in advanced countries.

o Calcium/Magnesium/Potassium: They are mentioned together as the ratio in which one should take them is very important. They work exquisite with zinc as they regulate the cellular metabolism. Deficiencies can interfere with cell's potential to discharge the nutrients properly. The hormones may not be utilized well and fully. These supplements are easy to get as over-the-counter medicines do comprise these kinds of tablets. You can also go for the vegetables and fruits containing such elements as homemade remedy.

o Vitamin A: The condition hypothyroidism can apparently impair the body's capacity to convert beta-carotene into most critical vitamin A and therefore, the supplementation of vitamin A is generally recommended to patients who do not consume enough amounts of their daily diet and lack of nutrition. You should consult your doctor for the allowable dosage of vitamin A as higher dosage of vitamin A may furnish adverse and unwanted effects.

Vitamins are highly prominent for the human body to fight against the disease. They design immunity in the body and accelerate the sluggish metabolic rate in the body.

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